Genres: Slow Life, Cooking, Farming, Reverse Isekai, Beastfolk, Chipmunk Girls, Seinen, Chipmunks, Heartwarming, Slice of Life
Format: Print, Ebook & Audiobook
Price: Digital $7.99 USD Print $14.99 USD
How To Enjoy The Slow Life At Home!
Mikura is finally starting to get used to his new life in the Beastly Wilds. Things were going great with his Beastfolk neighbors—until one day, he makes a seemingly innocent comment that turns his life completely upside down! Things only get even more interesting when a visit from his parents unearths a mysterious incident from his childhood adventures in the Beastly Wilds! What secrets are the Beastly Wilds keeping and how will they change his relationship with Techi?